Mod «[FSF] Pose For Me» for Rimworld (v1.0 - 1.5)

[FSF] Pose For Me

This is a bit of a hacky xml mod I made to aid in the creation of screenshots, comics, videos, machinima or other such things. It is intended to be loaded when you need it as a lot of the stuff it has will clutter or interfere with a normal game.

With the Pose For Me Spot you can set up pawns in various poses standing facing a direction with or without an item or performing an action like cleaning, eating, repairing ect. This is done via an invisible production bench using bills which can be placed on everything (furniture, walls, plants ect). Each bill is a type of action with a very long work amount to keep pawns holding still. Craftable at the spot are also some consumable items which can induce an effect on pawns for 24 hours so they appear berserk or drunk. With the invisible Pose For Me Resting Spot you can have pawns lay down anywhere even on places like tables.

This mod also removes the annoying little progress bar that appears when people do anything. So it will no longer get in the way or obscure things in your shots.

As an example with this mod you could set up a bunch of colonists looking busy facing North, East, South, West doing various actions or sitting with specific items. You could even make a scene where one colonist is facing east and another facing west using tailoring so it looks/sounds like he's stitching up his friends wounds. You could use the resting spot to have a pawn look like he's sleeping on the table.

List of Poses

The pose direction North, East, South, West, depends on the direction the Pose For Me Spot is facing. There's an item and non item version of each pose.

I'll try to add more poses over time but if you have a request let me know. As far as I can tell if there's an effect/sound in the game for it I should be able to add it as a pose (eg. Eating, Drinking, Repairing ect).

Standing, Eat Vegetarian, Eat Meat, Eat Meal Vegetarian, Eat Meal Meat
Berserk, Drunk, Vomit, Play Poker, Drink, Smoke Cloud (Smoke Leaf Effect)
Brew, Butcher Flesh, Butcher Mechanoid, Clean, Clear Snow, Cook, Cremate, Cut Stone, Harvest Tree, Machining, Mine, Repair, Research, Sculpt, Smelt, Smith, Surgery, Tailor

List of Consumables

These are consumable items that are crafted at the Pose For Me Spot in stacks of 100. When ingested it will apply an effect to the pawn for 24 hours. These effects stack with each other so a pawn can look both berserk and drunk.

Berserk, Drunk, Downed
Cinematic Walk, Cinematic Run

Using The Mod

To use a pose place a Pose For Me Spot which can be found under Misc. Next add a bill of your choice and set up any item requirements. Ideally you should limit the bill to a specific person to prevent others from trying to interfere and take their spot.

The bills themselves use the Basic work type. If you limit the bills to specific people you can let your people walk to them naturally. Although ideally you should force them to perform the bill preferably with the mod Achtung! so they don't attempt to run off.

To have someone rest place a Pose For Me Resting Spot which can be found under Misc. You can let pawns use it as a normal bed or a medical bed. If you swap it to medical you can give a pawn an operation then force them to rest until healed to stay in the bed.

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