Mod «Simple Utilities: Ceiling» for Rimworld (v1.3 - 1.4)

Simple Utilities: Ceiling

Allows the building of ceiling-mounted light fixtures, firefoam poppers, and sun lamps. Also includes darklight variants for Ideology users. The lights come in a variety of styles, and can be placed above furniture.



  • Styles: In order to use styles, you must have Vanilla Expanded Framework. Without it, you just get the 1 main style.

  • 1x1 ceiling lights in 3 styles.
  • 1x2 long ceiling light in 3 styles.
  • 1x1 dark ceiling lights for ideology users, with a technist style as well.
  • Ceiling mounted sunlamps in 2 styles.
  • Ceiling mounted firefoam popper.
  • Being able to mount a salvaged gloomlight to the ceiling.
  • A 2x2 pre-industrial chandelier. If you have Perspective: Buildings, you can offset them a half-tile to center into odd-tiled spaces. They can also substitute a throneroom's brazier requirement.


  • As far as stats go, all buildings treat the vanilla equivalent as their parent definition... with two exceptions: Ceiling mounted fixtures take longer to build, and as they are affixed to the structure, they cannot be minified/moved.
  • Custom placement code restricting fixtures to roofed tiles.
  • Buildings are all grouped into a dropdown category to avoid cluttering your build menus.
  • Visibility toggle button.


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