Mod «Vanilla Brewing Expanded - Coffees and Teas» for Rimworld (v1.3 - 1.5)

Vanilla Brewing Expanded - Coffees and Teas

Vanilla Brewing Expanded - Coffee and Tea is another sub-module to the new Vanilla Cuisine Expanded mod series. This particular mod introduces 8 new types of coffee and 9 new types of tea, with ties in to other Vanilla Cuisine Expanded mods, with each coffee and tea granting unique effects!

From regular lattes and pumpkin spiced coffee, to kombucha and cannibal coffee, this mod has something for everyone, and will surely help your pawns warm up in the cold winter evenings!

With Vanilla Plants Expanded you will gain access to Lemons, and Vanilla Cooking Expanded will allow you to farm mint - a new condiment boosting social impact!

Vanilla Brewing Expanded REQUIRES!

Vanilla Brewing Expanded - Tea and Coffee mechanics can be seen described below:


Tweak: added teetotalerCanConsume tag to all coffees and teas (except irish coffee) so teetotalers can consume them

29.04.24 (1.3-1.5)


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