Mod «Interaction Bubbles» for Rimworld (v1.3 - 1.5)

Interaction Bubbles

Shows bubbles when characters perform a social interaction with the text that would normally only be found in the log. This allows you to watch Tynan's wonderful interaction system in action as you go about your business without having to open up a tab.

Bubbles will fade away after a short time but they are linked to the game time so pausing the game will halt the bubble from fading. Hovering over a bubble will make it nearly transparent and they can be clicked through to objects underneath. There is a toggle button in the play settings area to disable bubbles from being shown.

Technical details

No update should ever break an existing game and this mod be added or removed at any time without issue.

Other languages

The language in the bubbles come from the base game so if that is translated then the bubbles will be too.

- Added support for single pawn interactions

14.03.24 (1.3-1.5)



20.09.23 (1.3-1.4)


18.09.23 (1.3-1.4)

- Better memory handling for long-term play
- Minor fixes


22.10.22 (1.3-1.4)


01.07.22 (1.3)


File info

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