Mod «Reel's Facial Animation Textures» for Rimworld (v1.4 - 1.5)

Reel's Facial Animation Textures

My own Vanilla-Style textures for [NL] Facial Animations, built to work alongside Vanilla Expanded's retexture as well as EyeGenes2 to add custom eye coloring.

I always felt like the original retexture mod lacked certain face types that perfectly encapsulate life on the Rim, such as anger and despair expressions. This mod hopefully aims to fix that by adding 6 new eye textures, and 9 new mouth textures that are loosely based/inspired on existing Roblox faces.

This mod doesn't add custom eyebrow or skin textures, however I may decide to add some in a future update.

Please keep in mind that this mod is limited in mechanics as it relies solely on the Facial Animation framework. Send suggestions to the author of that mod if you have any ideas, I won't be able to help.

  1. [NL] Facial Animation
  2. Reel's Facial Animation Textures
  3. Vanilla Textures Expanded - [NL] Facial Animation
  4. [BL] EyeGenes2 | Base - [NL] Facial Animation |


Vanilla Textures Expanded - [NL] Facial Animation
[NL] Facial Animation - WIP

Version 20.12.23

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