Mod «Extra Explosion Effects» for Rimworld (v1.4 - 1.5)

Extra Explosion Effects

This mod expands on visuals of high explosives. Everything described is purely eye-candy and has no effect on gameplay.

All explosions of Bomb type now have extra effects: shockwaves (only for big explosions), bright blasts, sparks flying around, black clouds of smoke rising upwards, craters in ground, ashes from the blast. Stun explosions received a few sparks as well. Effects scale with explosion radius and damage.

Due to Ludeon's DLC policies, distortion shaders are locked behind Royalty. So if you don't have it, shockwaves won't appear.

See for yourself:

Frag grenade

81mm mortar shell

MK19 grenade launcher

Flashbang grenade


Doesn't replace anything, only adds new stuff on top. Thus, should be compatible with all mods. Has special integration with Combat Extended - if you use it, some particles will be affected by gravity.

Compatible with any weapon/grenade/rocket/fireball/etc that uses standard damage defs - effects are assigned automatically to DoExplosion() method.

01.11.23 (1.4)

  • Rewrote the harmony patch, might help with map loads


30.10.23 (1.4)


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