Mod «Empiricist and Faith - Mort's Ideologies: Memes and Precepts» for Rimworld (v1.4)

Empiricist and Faith - Mort's Ideologies: Memes and Precepts

This mod adds two new memes: Empiricist and Faith.

Requires: DLC Ideology

Empiricists are better at research, have access to the Research Specialist, and get mood bonuses from having an impressive laboratory (and mood debuffs for not having one), but have reduced ideological conversion power. Whether this is because they refuse to make unsubstantiated claims about their ideology to make it sound more appealing, or because they're nerds who spend too much time being shoved in lockers to convince anyone of anything, I leave as a roleplay exercise for the player. Empiricists also have reduced meditation focus gain speed and pruning speed, as both the Psylink and Gauranlen trees naturally resist those who try too hard to understand them.

Faith pawns are excellent at converting others to their ideoligion, and are less likely to be converted to other ideoligions. They also have an improved meditation speed and pruning speed, as their mindset is well-suited to such psychic connections. However, Faith pawns also have a reduced research speed, as they tend not to put as much value on hard evidence as other pawns do.

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