Last update: 31.07.24.
Reason: Update mod to version: 28.07.24
Tynan says Rimworld is a storyteller, not a skill test. This is for people who want it to be both.
This mod focuses on reworking and prioritising the Rader AI decision making tree to be more in line with what a player would do, all whilst attempting to maintain vanilla performance. This is done by leveraging the existing vanilla rimworld avoid grid used in smart raids and extending it to incorporate player pawns as well (not just turrets).
Summary of main changes:
Due to all of the above it is much harder to 'Game' the AI. Strategic defence of the whole colony and not just one entrance is very important.
If you would like to see how the mod works you can toggle show avoid grid in dev mode and then spawn a raid.
Can add/remove from save without issue.
Compatible with combat extended.
Tentatively compatible with CAI (more testing required, may cause performance issues).
(This mod must be loaded after both of the above.)
Incompatible with Careful Raids.
Contains a performance fix for CE (enabled by default, can be disabled in mod options).
Known Issues:
Breaching raiders will sometimes attack mineables at the edge of the map that aren't anywhere near your base.
09.05.23 (1.4)
10.04.23 (1.4)
05.04.23 (1.4)