Last update: 14.07.24.
Reason: Update mod to version: 11.04.24
This mod lends a medieval look to the pawns of the Empire faction included in the Royalty DLC. Furthermore, some of the permits granted by the Empire have been reworked to fit a medieval environment.In addition, the Empire settlement is being reworked at the moment. At the end of July/beginning of August, the Empire settlement will appear as a fortress that can be besieged by brave landlords.
Revised units Janissaries Bestower Merchants
New units Mercenaries Light infantry Heavy Infantry Crusaders
New Permits Request herbal medicine Request Paresian Medicine (If Medieval Medicines is installed)
Ideology Sometimes the ideology of the Empire requires the wearing of certain clothing. In such a case, the Pawns of the Empire may appear wearing cloth robes instead of chain or plate armor. Unfortunately, I don't know how to prevent this.
Rimedieval Royalty The Pawns of the Empire do not access the equipment from Rimedieval Royalty at the moment.
Since I show some non-vanilla structures in my screenshots, here are a few additional mentions.