Mod «Prisoner Restraints» for Rimworld (v1.5)

Prisoner Restraints
Unbreakable prisoners? Unwaveringly loyal captives? Not anymore.

Prisoner Restraints introduces new methods to break down resistance and a progression system that can make unwaveringly loyal prisoners recruitable.

Use fear, suffering, and psychological conditioning to turn even the most stubborn prisoners into loyal colonists. Or let them rot, I really don't care.


Resistance Restraints

Designed to break prisoner resistance over time, making recruitable prisoners easier to convert and accelerating stockholm syndrome in unwaveringly loyal prisoners.

  • Restraining Table
    Lie down, shut up, and think about your life choices. -3.00 resistance per day.
  • Humiliation Cage
    Some people crack under isolation. Others need an audience. -3.75 resistance decay per day.
  • Chemfuel Bath
    Hot baths are for winners. This is for prisoners. -4.25 resistance decay per day.


Sensory Collapser

Designed to collapse the prisoner’s mind and induce stockholm syndrome, this serves as the prerequisite for making unwaveringly loyal prisoners recruitable.

How To Make Recruitable

  1. Toss an unwaveringly loyal prisoner in the sensory collapser.
  2. Upon successful sensory collapse (5 hour process), the prisoner develops the early stages of stockholm syndrome.
  3. Over time, stockholm syndrome progresses (80 hours total but it can be accelerated 2x with resistance restraints).
  4. Once stockholm syndrome reaches 100%, they will have wavering loyalty and will be recruitable.
  5. Recruit them within 48 hours—or they revert back to unwaveringly loyal.
  6. If they revert? Rinse and repeat. Persistence is key.

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After restrain, they are unable to move after many days, i don't know why. Even i try to use Medicine,


i think youve been doing disgusting acts to them ;p like making them your slaves perhaps? dont move after days… geez youve been busy 

sassy baka, we're done (if you know what i mean… involves my one ;p)i dont think you could move for a year jejejejeje

thanks top mods for the free mods!