Mod «Vanilla Psycasts Expanded Add-on - Runesmith» for Rimworld (v1.5)

Vanilla Psycasts Expanded Add-on - Runesmith

Adds a brand new Vanilla Psycasts Expanded psycast tree to Rimworld, the Runesmith. Features a complete ten psycasts / spells.

Runesmiths engrave Runecircles during times of calm, which are then Invoked by several of their psycasts on a later date to perform powerful, battle-shaping spells. Invoke runecircles to cause massive explosions, buff allies, create freezing sentries, or summon allies to your side! Just be careful, and plan for every contengency- a Runesmith without prepared Runecircles is powerless in combat...


- Vanilla Psycasts Expanded
- DLC Royalty


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