Mod «Big and Small - Framework» for Rimworld (v1.4 - 1.5)

Big and Small - Framework

A framework mostly for handling pawns of different sizes, and well as a variety of gene-behaviour, such as transformations.

Big and Small

Pawn Size

This part of the framework adds methods for changing the size of creatures via StatDefs that can f.ex. be applied from genes or pawn definitions such as HAR-races and applied a large number of effects to large/small creatures such as altered rendering size, health, damage, metabolism, self-production, etc.

The size changes are balanced to be in line with Vanilla Rimworld. The cosmetic size-scaling of sprites are non-linear, f.ex. a human baseliner scaled to body size 10.0 would not render 10x larger.

The following sized-related StatDefs are available

Body Size Offset & Cosmetic Body Size Offset

Offsets the pawns body size in an additive way. The latter version is cosmetic only and won't affect game-mechanics.

E.g. a body size 0.5 HAR race with a 0.6 offset would end up body size 1.1and render roughly twice as large.

Body Size Multiplier

Just as above, but a multiplier instead.

E.g a x0.75 multiplier applied to a standard body size 4.0 Elephant would reduce its body size to 3.0

Head Size Multiplier

Increases or decreases the size of the character's head.

This can be preferable to just drawing the head texture larger for some gene-based heads since it will scale the headgear.

Other Big and Small/Better Prerequisites Features

For instructions on how to f.ex. make infectious gene-based werewolves that change shape under the moon check out the Discord linked at the bottom of this page.

Better Prerequisites

This framework adds a more robust system for prerequisites, hediffs, etc., than what Vanilla Rim world offers for its genes.

The mod also lets you create genes and hediffs that disable genes. Hediffs can even disable genes that disable genes. You cannot have genes that disable genes that disable genes because of how it was written to avoid recursion.

The framework name comes from when it was just made for prerequisites, but the framework now includes f.ex. hediffs that change a pawns genes, or spawn other hediffs. Vice versa for genes spawning hediffs.

For any Gene mod authors can specify any number of condition sets that must all be fulfilled for the gene to activate.

This being a framework it does nothing on its own.

Example of how it can look in-game:

Supreme Super Snek Ambush

Gene Prerequisites:

Any of:
Snake Tail, Eel tail, Mermaid tail

Any of:
Strong Melee, Feral Might

All of:
Venomous Fangs, Coiled Jump

None of:
Incapable of Violence, Weak Melee

Unlike the vanilla prerequisite system genes with prerequisites from this mod can still spawn in genepacks or via random gene-generation.

Valid XML tags are: AnyOf, AllOf, NoneOf.

Big and Small Genes

The above is the Big and Small Genes which used to be bundled with this framework.

20.10.23 (1.4)


12.10.23 (1.4)

Added some more support for body-swapping.


11.10.23 (1.4)

Fixed an issue where changing a pawn's race caused issues with how the game tracked it through regions.


04.10.23 (1.4)


02.10.23 (1.4)

Framework fix for an issue causing animals to be able to return from the dead more than once in the Vengeful Dead mod if you didn't take out their brains or other vital organs/parts. A bit too tenacious.


27.06.23 (1.4)


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