Mod «Rimsenal - Core» for Rimworld (v1.0 - 1.5)

Rimsenal - Core

The Rimsenal core pack is designed to increase the tactical diversity of Rimworld and provide richer late-stage combat content. Each four-themed weaponry has its own unique characteristics and promises a wider tactical experience.

Extended Weapons System: Welcome to four interstellar companies and their new technologies. A unique range of weapons and equipment awaits you, such as the Seo-Li shard rifle pouring out crystalline shards like a hailstorm and the Fafnir siege shotgun spewing armor-piercing bullets that can pierce thick mechanoid armor.

New tactical approaches: Use any means available. Grab modular weapons to get your best ready and get into battle. Fire smoke launcher to avoid enemy fire, and take the enemies out of the cover with microwave weapons. If there are a lot of options, there are many ways to kill.

Balanced performance: The equipment of the Rimsenal is not superior to the vanilla equipment. Vanilla's charge rifle is still a great and versatile option. No weapon on the Rimsenal is perfect. Everything has its own pros and cons. Use appropriate equipment depending on your enemy. Using the wrong weapon against the wrong enemy is a shortcut to total disaster.

Version 23.03.24 for Rimworld (v1.0 - 1.5)


Version 04.02.23 for Rimworld (v1.0 - 1.4)


Version 14.12.22 for Rimworld (v1.0 - 1.4)


Version 09.10.22 for Rimworld (v1.0 - 1.4)


Version 09.07.22 for Rimworld (v1.0 - 1.3)

  • The shard pistol is back in the dual shard pistols. Instead, when the dual-wield mod is installed, a patch that changes them to a shard pistol has been applied.
  • For the ideology, appropriate Weapon classes were assigned to each weapon.


Version 05.07.22 for Rimworld (v1.0 - 1.3)



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It is compatible with combat extended?


Yep but it has a patch for it
