Mod «The Profaned» for Rimworld (v1.4 - 1.5)

The Profaned

Adds a new xenotype with their own hostile faction, undead creatures, weapons, apparel, items, structures and more.

These people are cursed to exist in a state between life and death. Although they yet retain their humanity, the Profaned are shunned and exiled by most cultures.

Unsurprisingly, their partially decayed bodies make them extremely unpleasant to be around and renders them slow moving with poor manipulation. They are also infertile, weak to fire and dislike sunlight.

Undeath does have its advantages however as they require less nutrition and rest, are highly resistant to cold, immune to all diseases and toxins, feel no pain and cannot die through natural means.

*Xenotype requires Biotech, without it the faction will be made up of regular humans.

*Requires Vanilla expanded framework for the xenotype visuals, otherwise they're just green dudes.

A legion of profaned compelled to serve a malevolent, mysterious entity, believed by many to be the source of their curse. Whoever they may have been before, it no longer matters, all that they know now is the will of their master.

In battle they make use of undead creatures and rot stink to overwhelm and demoralise their enemies.

Profaned Cursebearers

Whoever you were in life, it no longer matters. You are Profaned, former humans cursed with undeath and by the will of your master, compelled to conquer indiscriminately and spread your vile curse across the realm.

For the longest time, this was all you knew, but by some miracle, the three of you have broken free of the will of your master.

Despite everything, you are still what you are, shunned and reviled by most. You can try to make amends for your past deeds or you can continue to spread your curse for your own ends.

The choice is yours.

The creatures can appear in raids from the faction and rarely as wildlife. They can also be created by the player after completion of a research project.

Undead creatures don't require food or sleep but they can't breed and don't produce meat. They can be trained like regular animals and yield special crafting ingredients when butchered.

*If Vanilla expanded framework is installed, some of the creatures will have unique attacks and traits.

*Some weapons and armour make use of Vanilla expanded framework for unique effects and abilities.

The shield also requires VFE framework.

*Research/crafting items are acquired from butchering the undead creatures.

*Royalty is required for the throne to function, otherwise it's just for decoration.

*Ideology is required for the altar and column styles.

*LTS Sytems is required for the double doors.


Rimedieval - Compatible but due to how Rimedieval affects pawn generation, it may cause pawns to spawn with different weapons and apparel than intended.

Facial Animation - Compatible but requires Big and Small - Genes & More. It takes a second to kick in and cover up the animated face, thanks to CrackaJack for providing the patch.

*As of right now, this only works for 1.4. I'll update compatibility to 1.5 when it's available.

Melee Animation - Compatible.

29.07.24 (1.4-1.5)


25.06.24 (1.4-1.5)


28.04.24 (1.4-1.5)


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