Mod «ArchoFarm» for Rimworld (v1.5)


There is nothing that makes me save scum faster than raiders breaching their way into my animal pen and setting them all free and/or setting them all on fire. I suppose I could prevent this with more intelligent base design or – Randy forbid – actual combat tactics that aren’t just “stand there and wait for the enemy to get in range.”

Or I could just continue my quest to mod away everything I don’t like managing.

The ArchoFarms are an ancient archotech’s replacement for flesh and blood animals. These highly advanced machines are fueled by electricity and hay, producing the equivalent product of one of their respective animal after some processing time passes.


Adds farms for milk, eggs, alpaca wool, and sheep wool. Each farm is designed to replace one animal.

Only obtainable via quest rewards.


Modeled after the infinite chemfuel generator, so it's cost, power consumption, and availability will match that.

The fuel consumption and amount produced per interval was calculated off a single animal's nutrition and production.

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