Last update: 02.02.24.
Reason: Update mod to version: 02.02.24
Android Tiers Biomimetics is a sub-mod of Android Tiers Reforged Core that implements numerous mechanical animals to fulfill various roles in colonies and add utility to mechanical civilization.
09.09.23 (1.4)
- This mod will no longer delete muffalos as a legal pack animal for all factions in the game, just for the android union who will have muffalos replaced by the TORT unit.
- Chem units are carnivorous now. If you absolutely hate this feel free to join the discord and voice your frustration. I doubt you'll convince me that a mechanism to produce neutroamine that can't be produced in the vanilla game by any mechanism should be permissible with just grown food, but you can always give it a shot.
28.05.23 (1.4)