Mod «[WW2 Collection] Lewis Gun minipack» for Ravenfield (Build 19)

[WW2 Collection] Lewis Gun minipack

Designed for the US Army in 1911,the Lewis gun was not accepted by the army,due to personal and political differences between the inventor,Isaac Newton Lewis,and the ordenance department chief,General William Crozier.
The gun continued production in Belgium,where several prototypes were made for the Belgian army.
Due to connections to the British BSA,Lewis was able to sell a license to produce the gun,eventually moving the production to Britain,being used throught the whole WW1.
At the beginning of WW2,most Lewis guns had been decomissioned,as they had been deemed obsolete.The loss of most of the British machine guns in the French campaign meant it had to be once again put into service.


-Damage->65 (2 shots to the body)
-Loadded ammo->47

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