Mod «U.S.S Lexington» for Ravenfield (Build 26)

U.S.S Lexington

The USS Lexington,

Originally designed as a battlecruiser, she was converted into one of the Navy's first aircraft carriers during construction to comply with the terms of the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922, which essentially terminated all new battleship and battlecruiser construction. The ship entered service in 1928 and was assigned to the Pacific Fleet for her entire career.

CONTROLS: WASD TO MOVE R to reload the guns and/or to select the plane type you want to launch. SPACE to launch the plane selected (YOU CAN LAUNCH 10 PLANES PER TYPE).

How it works: when 2 carriers notice eachother or the other carrier notices planes in their range they start launching aircraft. The carrier is a one man vehicle, the AA is Computer controlled.
There must be free bots on a team for aircraft to launch as the plane teleports an existing bot in the match to pilot the plane!

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