Last update: 15.03.24.
Reason: Update mod to version: 13.03.24
(it seems WarThunder doesn't have the whole model of ZU23-2 . and PG87 is ZU23 's Chinese brother but with 25mm caliber and bigger volume .)
then i find the difference between it and what i want
so i decide to make in semifictional style
if you can ignore the detailed difference , you can consider it as Soviet ZU23-2 or Chinese PG87 , or the other one
soviet version is 23mm with 100 rounds , but chinese version is 25mm with 80 rounds
so i choose 24mm with 90 rounds
ironsight is better to use
04.05.23 (b.26)
31.08.22 (b.26)
File info
this looks awesome