Skin «[PA] Alt-History Confederates» for Ravenfield (Build 26)

[PA] Alt-History Confederates

This addon includes five skins, more in the multiskin that cannot be accessed (such as backpack variants).


  • Reb Pvt
    • A basic Johnny Reb with the standard uniform. Gray/grey, puttees, some fancy tacticool chestrig, and a Brodie helmet he probably stole from one of the US vets of the World War.
  • Reb Cpl
    • Like the above, but with a helmet cover and corporal chevrons. Genuine jean wool produced locally in Georgia.
  • Reb NCO
    • Johnny Reb as a non-com, he sports a kepi. I'm extremely satisfied with the way the kepi turned out and will use it in future mods too! Alongside that he has a bandolier instead of the chestrig.
  • Reb Sgt-Major
    • Wearing a finer uniform with riding boots rather than the standard pattern, he's ready to go into a town and recruit all the drunks into the ranks. He sports a fancy peaked visor to signify how dumb he looks!
  • Reb Colonel
    • Perhaps too inspired by the pass'd war, this high-ranking greyback has a real fancy western-style campaign hat and all that fancy-smancy tresse on his sleeves.
  • Update

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