Mutator «[AI Medics] EasyRevive» for Ravenfield (Build 26)

[AI Medics] EasyRevive


Behold, a new lightweight revive and medic system for Ravenfield!
Essentially, it works by forcing bots into a ragdoll state when their health goes under the defined "threshold value".

Currently contains:
- 1 EasyRevive Mutator

Basic "downing" component
- Bots will ragdoll and struggle on the ground when under a set health threshold
- Get them above the threshold to "revive" them and get them back in the fight!

Bot Bleedout
- Bots will slowly leak health once downed
- "Bleeding" will stop if the bot can "out-heal" the bleeding damage (Medic bag, script, etc.)

AI Medics
- AI spawning with a certain item from a user-defined list (seperate items with semicolons!) will become medics
- They will check for downed AI near them, leaving their squads to go help "revive" the closest one
- If you don't have that many medical items, you can also force a % of AI to become medics anyways

Works well with class mutators!
- Make bots medics simply by letting them spawn with medical equipment! They'll actually do medic work, reviving downed bots and the player

While intended for the AI, the mutator affects the player too, though it can be disabled from doing so if needed.

To contain in the future:
- More customizability?
- Better default settings

To possibly contain in the future:
- More ways for the player to interact with downed AI (dragging, button-press healing)
- Force AI to pull out their medical items to heal
- Make bots medics based on the name of their skin (compatibility for multiskins without class loadouts)

Credits to:
- Lordaloa (I think) for the weapon tag reading system
- SudoName for coming up with separating tags with semicolons

that'll be all for now

oof ouch their bones

File info

  • Added by: TOP-Mods
  • Author: milkman
  • Mod version: 27.04.23
  • File format: ZIP
  • File size: 0.7 mb
  • Source: Go to
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I wish i could use this mod to revive my bricklink account!

i got banned from bricklink by Russell Callender.


ye brah me too got banned from brickink cos i said hartaitk


damn that's bad bro


Ya drilla. I wish I could also use dis mod to revieve my brudda misthramoosr