Mutator «Alternate: Mutator Buffs» for Ravenfield (Build 19)

Alternate: Mutator Buffs

This is a configurable mutator that allows you to choose your health, balance and size for you your enemies and your team mates!

What are Mutators?

in the beta branch of the game there is now a new sort of moddable thingie, which allows us for custom mutators. Mutators can alter all kind of game properties.

How do I access Mutators?

To access the Beta Branch right click your game properties > betas, there you opt into the beta branch. once the beta branch has been downloaded you will see in your custom game configuration screen a new tab with mutators under neath the select vehicles and select weapons buttons.

File info

  • Added by: Roman
  • Author: Lordaloa
  • Mod version: 06.06.20
  • File format: ZIP
  • File size: 0.9 mb
  • Source: Go to
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how to use ?


you download this and bla bla bla, when the download is finished get a copy of this by copying it and paste it to the mods folder (if you dont have a mods folder then add a older called mods and there you go)

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