Mutator «Player Armor» for Ravenfield (Build 26)

Player Armor

Adds customizeable armor for the player.

Damage multipliers are also fully customizeable, as well as how much damage the armor takes when you take a hit. There are three methods of repair, ammo bags/supply crates, Armor Plates or auto repair. They're all fully configurable within the mutator's settings.

The armor protection will also be only relative to how many armor points you have left. So for example if you take 50 damage and only have 5 armor points left the damage will be only reduced by 5.

This mutator's implementation is kind of hacky so expect some bugs.

Balance is a hidden value in the game that determines when you will be knocked-down.

This will conflict with mods that reduce health and balance damage in any way. Disabling friendly fire will work fine but if there's any form of damage reduction elsewhere, it will bug out. This is likely to cause problems with Spec-Op's hero armor feature as well.

  • Compatibility functions

22.02.23 (b.26)


14.03.22 (b.26)


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