8x8 km air supremacy map. Take to the skies and defend our transport helicopters. Capturing the 2 smaller airfields an give us an edge in taking down the enemy.
A map I made to get myself familiar with the new Unity 2020 engine. It was also a test to see if I can implement destructible objects that can disable spawn points.This never worked, however I left the oil tanks in as a destructible target for the fun of it. They do nothing.
Recommended setup:
Gamemode: Point Match
Number of bots: 50-70 (70 with helicopters, 50 for airplanes only)
Advantage: 1 battalion advantage to Blue, if you use helicopters (3 Blue vs 2 Red)
Length: Short/Normal
NOT spec ops compatible.
Disable helicopter spawn and make the 2 smaller bases neutral via configure flag for a balanced air battle.
All airplanes can be used, but this map was made with jets in mind.
Don't bother with land units, there is no pathfinding between the bases.
Fighter spawn -- Fighter plane
Bomber spawn -- Bomber plane
AA spawn -- AA
AT spawn -- SAM (or other AA)
Transport heli spawn -- transport helicopter
File info