Map «Konza Prairie Summer» for Ravenfield (Build 26)

Konza Prairie Summer

No matter how many times I've hiked Konza, it never gets old. Ever since I made the original Konza Prairie map I thought I wasn't truly giving it justice with just pure satellite data. I've been wanting to get out of RF modding for a while now and was looking for one nice last project to finish up with, so making a recreation of Konza in RF seemed like the perfect choice. I've remade the top left portion of the original map which is the part of Konza Prairie featuring its nature trail. This map is at a 7:9 scale of the real place, though some parts were accidentally stretched slightly too tall. Konza is constantly changing and is a different beast in every season so I've decided to split it into 4 versions for each season. Also did that so I could better test out different lighting/weather conditions other than the regular plain day and night.

This is the Summer version. Features a regular day and night.

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