BasedBackpack for Project Zomboid (v41.x)


This mod contains a "Survivor Pack" backpack. It is slightly better than, and crafted from, the Military Backpack - but with a different aesthetic and fully custom 3d model / texture. Enjoy!

Crafting Recipe

Requires Tailoring 2
Needle: 1
Thread: 6
Military Backpack: 1
First Aid Kit: 1
Tarp: 1
Duct Tape: 2

Survivor Pack stats

Encumbrance: 2.1
Capacity: 30
Encumbrance Reduction: 89

For context, the Military Backpack stats are:
Encumbrance: 2.0
Capacity: 28
Encumbrance Reduction: 87

Mod compatibility?

As I'm very new to modding PZ, right now the mod is vanilla only. Once I learn more, I'll happily come back and look at integrating it with other more popular mods, but for now it's only confirmed to work with vanilla!

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