Attachable for People Playground


Attachable - Adjective, capable of being fastened or added to something else.

Note: you do not need to use cables or anything to attach them, they attach automatically on contact with a compatible weapon and it should snap on (the laser and suppressors are fully functional with custom sounds)

Note 2: Copying and saving are completely broken and i have no idea how to fix it so

Note 3: Since it adds context menu buttons to every single item all contraptions made with this mod enabled will require this mod so if you plan on saving stuff i recommend turning it off.

Also theres context menu buttons to turn any item you spawn into an attachment but custom attachments are kinda buggy so expect weird behaviour

First mod I've made in a while, feel free to make suggestions and I might add them.

Also if you want to make your own attachments or weapons that integrate with the mod you should be able to copy the behaviours over into your own mod scripts and copy the items from this mod but only do that if you are very experienced in modding because im not able to help everyone with everything

24.09.22 (1.26)


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does that mean i can make nor sniper nor smg nor pistol gun?

drug addict