UPLS - 1860 Henry Rifle for People Playground

UPLS - 1860 Henry Rifle

The Henry Rifle was an American Lever action rifle
developed by Benjamin Tyler Henry in the late 1850's.
Henry was granted a patent on this gun in October of 1860,
and production would start by about mid 1862.

How to Load and Fire:
Pull Follower to the front on the gun until it catches
Lift front section of the magazine up (see images)
Insert Cartridges (1-15) (you'll hear a clunk when a round is in)
Lower front section of magazine
Slowly pull the follower back until it stops
Work Lever (Press "I", doing it manually is awkward)

I recommend disabling hovering highlights, it lets you see the gun a lot better.
Open pause menu, go to Settings, and in 'General' there is 'Show hovering highlights'.

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