Rohan's Hyperion Mod for People Playground

Rohan's Hyperion Mod

Unleash the power of one of Marvel's mightiest heroes with the Hyperion Mod for People Playground! Hyperion, the Marvel Universe's answer to Superman, brings his godlike strength and incredible abilities to the game. As one of Earth's mightiest defenders, Hyperion possesses a variety of powers that make him a formidable force in any scenario.


Super Punch: Hyperion’s punches are capable of causing massive destruction, delivering blows with the force of a thousand tons. When you activate his fists, prepare for shockwaves that will leave anything in their path obliterated.
Laser Vision: A classic Hyperion power! Activate his head to fire a focused, high-powered laser beam from his eyes. Perfect for melting through obstacles or enemies at a distance.
Flight: Tap into Hyperion's ability to defy gravity. Activate his chest to launch him into the skies, and take control of the air as you soar above the chaos. His flying speed and agility make him an unstoppable force in combat and exploration.

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