MTF - Deep Dwellers for People Playground

MTF - Deep Dwellers

Composed of 30+ people, Mobile Task Force Unit "Deep Dwellers" specializes in Underwater Operations, being equipped with a special backpack that is both 2 oxygen tanks and a simple propeller system within and also having a shoulder mounted harpoon gun to also assist with underwater travel and combat.

Out of any of the existing MTF Teams known, MTF - "Deep Dwellers" had the most strange recruitment and training protocol, that hasn't been done again since then.

50 Simple Inc Personnel were assigned to a classified underwater facility complex. It took 2 days to arrive but when they did, 17 of them were "arrested" for unknown reasons and sent to the jail-block portion of the facility, while the remaining were either assigned as Scientists or Guardsmen.

During the 6th day of being at the Facility, an unknown "virus" took control and released every experiment and creature within the place, resulting in a Total Lockdown, leaving no way out of the place.

The Prisoners, Scientists and Guardsmen locked themselves in a shelter, however rations ran low and any rescue efforts had not been attempted yet by Simple Inc.

Using the equipment they had, they put on Scuba gear and armed themselves and made a mad dash through the facility, gunning down any hostile subjects, creatures or anything that tried to stop them from escaping.

After taking a spare submarine, they surfaced after 2 days, only to be greeted by Phobos and Steve.

The 2 congratulated them and offered them a "worth wild position" as Phobos said it and revealed that the whole situation was a test done by Steve and Phobos

The Group were assigned to the MTF Position and went through more training till finally, they are to the point they are at today.]

The avg Deep Dweller is equipped with the MK5 Divepack that is equipped with internal movement system and 2 oxygen tanks and a shoulder mounted harpoon gun.

The usual Deep Dweller has their lungs augmented to be able to survive longer underwater incase of a oxygen tank or scuba mask failure, however 7 Deep Dwellers are known to have been genetically and cybernetically modified to have gills.

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