Puppet for People Playground


B: Zulu 4, report!
Zulu 4: Outpost Zulu 4 reports all systems are stable, report is 56% complete.
B: Outpost, we are quarantining you. Containment area in the botanical garden... everyone in the shelter has been alerted... sensors are reporting dozens of individuals.
Zulu 4: Not understanding, repeat the message.
B: Call the shift supervisor... Royce, call him.
Zulu 4: Royce here. What's going on? You scared my trainee.
B: Royce... Keep your men inside, don't let anyone in until special instructions... the botanical garden containment area... we're f*cked up Royce!
Zulu 4: Put yourself together, damn it! I understand the instructions, according to protocol you have to send me The file.
B: ...
Zulu 4: Brian!
B: I'm sorry. I'm sending it now. You should be able to survive on your current supplies for about 2 weeks.
Zulu 4: And then what? This outpost will be our tomb...
B: I heard the council wants to implement a peacekeeper project as soon as possible.
Zulu 4: I thought that was shut down.
B: Yes...

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