MI-8 for People Playground


Mi-8 (V-8, product "80", NATO codification - OTAN: Hip - "Thigh") is a Soviet multi-purpose helicopter developed by the Experimental Design Bureau (EDB) of M. L. Mil, in the early 1960s.

Mi-8, and its modifications, is the most popular twin-engine helicopter in the world (more than 17 thousand copies of all modifications were built in total); it is the most popular helicopter in the history of aviation. Widely used in more than 50 countries to perform a variety of civil and military missions. Mi-8 helicopters are usually dual-purpose, which is specified in type certificate; in Russia helicopters with military applications can be sold only by state company Rosoboronexport, a part of Rostec corporation. All other freely sold helicopters are for civilian use only.

I - Start/stop engines
U - Tilt nose up
"End (Num1) - Switch on auxiliary power.
C - On / Off Stabilization
L - Turn on / off cockpit lights and beacons outside.
W - Start moving forward
X - Start reversing

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