Medium Multipurpose Airship-5 "Albatross" for People Playground

Medium Multipurpose Airship-5 "Albatross"

Medium sized airship, doesn't have an exclusive purpose in mind. It can carry aircraft, cargo and a few crew, it also has a chemical weapon that uses twister serum to rain it into the battlefield when flying at low altitude, it also has an (extremely loose) pulse cannon taken and resized directly from the Pulsar tank, plus, it has a single air defense machine gun that is aimed manually, but to compensate this it is really powerful.

You can destroy it by shooting 100 bullets at each of the blue glowing weakpoints.

Use the front button at the control table to use the chemical weapon
Use the back button at the control table to open the gates (there ain't a ramp so good luck climbing into the ship)
Press F on the giant emitter to drive the ship (it is mouse controlled)
The weapons are controlled manually.

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