it's sort of a funny story about how i made this, i first started on it in 2021, got burnout stopped playing the game and forgot about it, then in 2022, i came back to it and worked on it again, got really far but then i took a break, now i came back to it today and finished it, hope you enjoy it.
if ambient temperature transfer is on the hover bar will not work and will break, make sure ambient temp transfer is off.
ALSO just so some of you who have potato PCs like me this thing is made up of 1677 pieces, so expect some lag when you spawn it in.
How to use:
K to make it go left.
L to make it go right.
I to make it go down.
U to make it go up.
leave a like or something.
File info
hmmm it looks cool but lag
you should buy RTX or get Intel core I7 8th gen or above or get amd ryzen 5 5600x
RTX wouldn't work because RTX is a GPU, GPUs Only Enhance Graphics Not Performance, so It is better to get a good Intel Or AMD CPU, The CPU On My Laptop Is Intel i3 7th gen but the one on my pc is AMD Ryzen 7 5800 (Edit on 17/3/2023: I've switched to AMD Ryzen 9 5950X and RTX 3080)
(Another Edit on 3/5/2023: You said to use i7 8th, actually the 8th gen is kinda trashy for gaming, the 12th gen or 13th gen are good for gaming, also Ryzen 5600x is good for mid-tier games, so the R5 5600x would not be able to handle it
very very good info