HAVOC /// EXOSUIT - 1 /// for People Playground

HAVOC /// EXOSUIT - 1 ///

A mech that is designed to wreak HAVOC

this is the first mech i've posted on the workshop so if there's any problems with it please tell me so i could improve on my other mechs

make sure to disable ambient heat transfer and have above 60 physics iteration

has a functional health bar, if you shoot or hit the torso enough it will explode if the health reaches 0


"I, K, J, L" - Moves the second arm
"Y" - Rocket punch
"-" - Toggle health bar
"O" - Toggle lights
";" - Self destruct (warning: might make the mech glitch out)
"M" - Fire 120mm cannons
"N" - Fire missiles
"[]" - Walk left or right
"H" - Toggle Plasma cannons
"U" - Fire Plasma cannons

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what about you make giant spinosaurus? or something like that.
