Mod «HOI4+: Conditional Surrender» for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.10.1)

HOI4+: Conditional Surrender

With this mod, you can quickly end wars and avoid dead ends that make the game boring.

World options

Conditional surrender


  • Surrendering
    • 10% or more delivery progress
    • Not in civil war with a country to surrender
    • Completely independent (cannot be puppet or subject)
    • Could not surrender
  • goal
    • Completely independent (cannot be puppet or subject)
    • In a faction and a large country
    • Not in a faction

Chance of acceptance

  • sp :  Progress of passing the target
  • ws :  support for target war
  • easy :  simple mode  (2 if active, otherwise 1)

White world


  • Offering
    • Not in civil war with a country to surrender
    • Completely independent (cannot be puppet or subject)
    • Could not surrender
  • goal
    • Completely independent (cannot be puppet or subject)
    • Could not surrender

Chance of acceptance

  • sp :  Progress of passing the target
  • ws :  support for target war
  • easy :  simple mode  (2 if active, otherwise 1)

Offer peace


  • Victor
    • Not in a civil war with a country to offer peace
    • Completely independent (cannot be puppet or subject)
    • Could not surrender
  • goal
    • 10% or more delivery progress
    • Completely independent (cannot be puppet or subject)
    • Could not surrender

Chance of acceptance

  • sp :  Progress of passing the target
  • ws :  support for target war
  • easy :  simple mode  (2 if active, otherwise 1)

File info

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Francisco Franco

its ok but… why is in russian? PORQUE NO ESTA EN ESPAÑOL bruh, nisiquiera he probao el mod y ya estoy diciendo que es malo xddd perdon
