Mod «Separatist Movements» for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.1 - 1.12.14)

Separatist Movements

Play as any occupied country and work through the focus tree and decisions to start a rebellion and free your country.

Should work with all mods that don't change the start date or the states ids. The extra bookmarks may not work as expected with other mods. To play as a seperatist movement either select the initial country from the Seperatist movement bookmarks or if using the default bookmark select any country and an event will allow you to play as a seperatist nation.

You may choose to play as any country that has cores but no owned states. For list of all countries playable in the base game search List of releasable countries on the HOI4 wiki.

Known bugs:
- Off map factories from underground factory decision do not appear unless the game is reloaded or tags are switched.

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its a cool mod i recommend it you if you have a lots of free time. but sadly, the game didn't had some of the countries i wanted to play with for example kurdistan.