Mod «SovietPlus» for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.10.1 - 1.10.3)


This Mod is a complete Overhaul of the Soviet Union. The aim is to depict the initial struggle of this country to reach a decent level of industrialization, the critical initial months of the war and the huge effort to stop the german Army and push it back up to Berlin.

You can better enjoy the mod playing with historical focus on.

Some other changes:

  • SOV AI finally builds decent INF and ARM templates!
  • Added a lot of political advisors (most of them historically purged)
  • Changed the traits of vanilla political advisors
  • Changed the generic portraits with historical ones
  • You cannot use absurdly ahistorical advisors
  • The only two parties are the Soviet Communist Party and the Socialist Revolutionary Party
  • Fixed some vanilla typos like "Debakrist for "Dekabrist", "Guerevich" for Gurevich" etc
  • Added the two missing Field Marshals in '36
  • Added the Fugas Class (minesweeper)
  • Fixed the correct order of the Great Trials, and their historical outcomes Rokossowsky purged and then rehabilitated
  • Finland never give up Karjala without fighting (if AI controlled)
  • Revised the jet names (and pics) and added pics for rocket interceptors (BI-1)
  • You can relocate industries from more states (if you have the PP)
  • FIN goes to war for Karjela when SOV start losing terrain after Barbarossa (5% capitulation)
  • SOV AI has no hardocoded block on reasearch by dates but related to stored equipment
  • Just for flavor, added two regiments of marine fusiliers in Leningrad and Sevastopol
  • Removed the STRAT bombers (the first flight of Pe-8 was in december '36), SOV has the tech anyway
  • Added the T-35 tech (first built in '33 , but too few to appear in any template )
  • And more..
  • Update to 1.10.

Version 10.05.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.9.0 - 1.9.3)

  • Various improvements and fixes.


Version 30.03.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.9.0 - 1.9.3)

  • Update to 1.9.


File info

  • Added by: TOP-Mods
  • Author: Lorped
  • Mod version: 06.12.20
  • File format: ZIP
  • File size: 1.7 mb
  • Source: Go to
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