Mod «Kaiserreich Submod: Sensible Byzantine Restoration» for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.7.0 - 1.7.1)

Kaiserreich Submod: Sensible Byzantine Restoration

While Greece has one of the more detailed focus trees in Kaiserreich and certainly in the Balkans, there isn't really a reward for 'winning', beating the Bulgarians and Ottomans and fulfilling the Megali idea. However, I didn't want to make a meme mod where you can get cores on territory which haven't had a Greek population for centuries. This mod allows you to resurrect the Byzantine empire, but mostly in name. You can get cores on the Asia Minor coast, as there was still a considerable Greek minority in this area in KR (the OTL population exchanges haven't taken place).


  • An event that allows you to declare yourself the successor to Byzantium. It requires you to be a kingdom (you must have either king Alexandros, Georios or Pavlos) and own (not control) Constantinople. You can't have a Syndicalist aligned goverment, although you might get away with electing the Agrarians (I haven't actually tested this).
  • An event about restoring the Hagia Sofia to an Orthodox church. It gives some stability and war support, but is mostly there for flavour.
  • An event about Greek mobs terrorizing Turks in Constantinople and Asia Minor.
  • An event about refugees from Russia if a civil war breaks out or if the Bolsheviks take over or from Ukraine it goes Totalist.


  • A focus comparable to the "Greece is whole" focus for Byzantium for controlling all Greek territory.
  • A focus about improving infrastructure in the newly conquered territories.
  • A focus giving some factories in the newly conquered territories.
  • A focus replacing the "Legacy of Alexander" idea with a better version if you core all Greek territory.


  • Three decisions for war crimes 'culture conversion' of the Asia minor coast. In order to have these decisions available, you MUST have allowed in the Russian / Ukrainian refugees.

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