Mod «Victory of the Dual Monarchy» for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.11.1 - 1.11.11)

Victory of the Dual Monarchy

This is an alternative history scenario where Austria-Hungary managed to win the Great War and became the world biggest super power. The mod contains lot’s of different focus trees, events and decisions for multiple different major and minor countries.


  • An alternative history scenario where Austria-Hungary won WW1;
  • Unique national focus trees for the following countries:
    • German Empire;
    • Austria-Hungary;
    • French Commune;
    • Kingdom of Italy;
    • Ottoman Empire;
    • Serbia;
    • Tsardom of Bulgaria;
    • Russian Republic;
    • Soviet Republic of Transcaucasia;
    • China;
    • United Kingdom;
    • Kingdom of Romania;
    • Empire of Japan.
  • Dozens of new provinces and states;
  • New events which add different dimensions to the game;
  • New countries, leaders, portraits and national spirits;
  • New decisions and missions.

Notable Changes

  • Removed path connecting advanced light tank chassis to modern tank chassis research

Miscellaneous Changes

  • The 'DVLP Rises Triumphant' now gives a national spirit that boosts Ultra-Nationalist support
  • Adjusted the requirements for the Join the Reichspakt decision for the Netherlands


  • The 'More Power to the Chancellor' now correctly gives the Dictator trait to Oskar Hergt, instead of the Kaiser
  • Fixed Greece being able to retake Macedonia after the Balkan War has already been lost previously
  • Fixed the missing discord and music mod icons in the main menu

Version 17.02.22 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.11.1 - 1.11.8)

  • Hotfix adding the new Subscription and Career Profile interface elements


Version 15.02.22 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.11.1 - 1.11.6)

Notable Changes

  • Implemented several of the balancing changes of the 1.11.5 Patch
  • The CTD that happened during 'Implementing Direct Rule' appears to have been fixed with the 1.11.5 Patch
  • Added dozens of new portraits for country leaders across various countries, see GFX portion for more info
  • Revisted the political parties of several countries
  • Some new flags have been added
  • Several new Japanese focuses have been added that couldn't make it at release
  • New general portraits for Austria-Hungary

Updated Focus Trees

  • Commune of France
  • Empire of Japan

Updated Events

  • Commune of France


  • Added portraits
  • Updated portraits for

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Rebalanced some Officer Corps spirits
  • Decreased the construction cost of infrastructure from 6000 to 3000 since we still use a maximum level of 10 instead of 5
  • Reduced the manpower Austria-Hungary would gain when going down the Crownland Solution path
  • Deutsch-Mittelafrika now becomes a German subject after the government has won the Local Tribe Uprising
  • Adjusted Italy's OOB to prevent them for starting with supply issues along the Alpes
  • Gave Luxemburg back it's core on Luxembourg
  • Gave Roosevelt a new trait

Notable Fixes

  • Fixed the uprising side of Deutsch-Mittelafrika being a German subject and the government side being independent during the Local Tribe Uprising
  • Germany no longer gaines reduced doctrines cost from the Victors of the Weltkrieg national spirit
  • Fixed Shandong not having a decision to attack Xinjiang Clique despite the Chinese Manifest Destiny focus telling so

Other Fixes

  • Fixed Japan from starting with bicycle infantry, despite them having a focus to unlock it
  • Japan can no longer Only Occupy Vladivostok twice in an event
  • Japan no longer loses all it's assigned advisors when purging the opposition
  • Fixed Brazil from having no-NSB tanks when having NSB
  • Fixed the government side of the Local Tribe Uprising in Deutsch-Mittelafrika from not having any advisors
  • Fixed the Council of Rambouillet giving social democratic support instead autocracy
  • Fixed an issue where Serbia was unable gain core on Yugoslav states despite forming Yugoslavia under certain circumstances
  • Fixed two Japanese focuses from having no effects
  • Fixed some character issues


Version 17.02.21 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.10.1 - 1.10.4)

Notable Changes

  • The duration and modifiers of the debuffs and buffs of the Second Russian Civil War will now vary based on AI vs Player
  • The Russian Restore the Romanov Event Chain has been changed to where the events will now trigger in set amount of days instead of being randomized, to prevent certain events from triggering
  • Added Italy to the Treaty of Budapest
  • Added a decision for Britain to Join the Second Weltkrieg


  • Changed the modifiers of the Dualism Restored and Pride of the Habsburg National Spirits
  • Bulgaria's Assert the Power of Tsar Focus' description will now be different when the Balkan War has been won or lost
  • When the Ausgleich Negotiations have been closed and the focus has not yet been completed, the focus will now be completed once Negotiations have closed
  • Italy can no longer join the Berlinpakt when at war
  • China can no longer do the Unify China Focus when at war with the Empire of Japan
  • AI for Austria-Hungary have been made less aggressive towards the Balkans
  • Russian AI will now go after the Donau-Adriapakt much sooner
  • Serbia will no longer abandon the Balkan League in favour the Moscow Alliance

Notable Fixes

  • German subjects will now actually be effected by the Vienna Stock Market Crash
  • Fixed Ottoman-Arabian League peace event from triggering when capitulating Egypt
  • Ottoman Balkan Interventions Decisions should now work as intended
  • Greek, Ottoman and Bulgarian technology icons from the BtfB DLC are now visible for everyone

Other Fixes

  • Fixed several missing names for event options
  • Fixed missing portrait for a Russian Admiral
  • Fixed missing event picture for the Prepare For War Event
  • Fixed several other typos


Version 10.01.21 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.10.1 - 1.10.3)

Notable Additions

  • Three new songs have been added
  • New Custom Game Rules have been added
  • Joined faction pop up added with Scripted GUI
  • Unique Division Name Lists have been added for multiple countries
  • Autonomy Levels have been overhauled
  • Events, which allows the AI to send volunteers, have been added
  • Updated the loading screen tips

Naval Update

  • Two new ship types: Dreadnoughts and Armoured Cruisers
  • Light Cruisers and Heavy Cruisers are now unlocked under one technology for Non-MtG users
  • Cruiser Submarines can be researched by all nations, after having researched 1936 Submarines.
  • New hull and technology icons
  • Unique lists of names for ships for several countries have been added.
  • Unified naval variants for non-MtG and MtG users
  • Unified navies for non-MtG and MtG users

Second Russian Civil War Changes

  • Removed Build Up Communist Support Mechanic
  • Civil War now triggers through an event chain, instead of a Focus;
  • Rebalanced the surrender events
  • Rebalanced the OOB of Russia
  • Reduced several Focus Completion Times for both Russia and Transcaucasia
  • Rebalanced the modifiers of the Failed Revolution en Ineffective Government National Spirits
  • Increased the starting industry for Russia
  • Rebalanced the Five Year Plan Decisions

Reworked/Expanded Focus Trees

  • Austria-Hungary
  • Serbia
  • Bulgaria
  • Ottoman Empire
  • Romania
  • Greece

Updated Focus Trees

  • Commune of France
  • Transcaucasia
  • Russian Republic
  • German Empire

New Events

  • Austria-Hungary
  • Serbia
  • Balkan League
  • Arabian League
  • Ottoman Empire
  • Bulgaria
  • Romania
  • Transcaucasia
  • Greece
  • Russian Republic

Updated Events

  • Commune of France
  • German Empire

New Decisions

  • Austria-Hungary
  • Serbia
  • Ottoman Empire
  • Romania
  • Russian Republic
  • Greece
  • Bulgaria
  • German Empire


  • Added new and reworked already existing states in the Balkans, the Middle East and France
  • Removed several unnecessary states in Germany, Poland and France
  • Tweaked several provinces in Northern France and the Middle East
  • Re-added the Dutch East Indies as a Dutch puppet
  • Libya is now a puppet of the Ottoman Empire
  • Gibraltar is now a part of Spain
  • Eritrea is now part of Abbysinia
  • Released Somalia
  • Plenty releasable countries from LaR and BftB, such as Corsica, Kurdistan, Kosovo, Micronesia, Solomon Islands, Palau, Fuji, and more, have been added to allow the controller to build up Compliance within those states
  • Rebalanced the factories and resources within dozens of states


  • Added several new focus icons and event pictures
  • Added a new portrait for Otto and Karl von Habsburg
  • Added non-nazi portraits for German admirals, generals and field marshalls
  • Added portraits for new generals for Austria-Hungary, Serbia, Russia, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire and Greece
  • Added icons for the unique companies for Austria-Hungary, Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire and Romania
  • Added portraits for the new leaders for Galicia, Bohemia, Hungary, Transylvania, Slovakia and Illyria
  • Added new technology and equipment icons for several countries
  • Added unique intelligence agency icons for several countries
  • Added icons for the new autonomy levels
  • Added new naval gfx; see Naval Rework part


  • Diplomatic Actions such as Leave Faction, Release Countries and Kick from Faction have been disabled by default. These can be changed in the custom game rules
  • Added technology sharing groups for Austria-Hungary and Germany with their faction members
  • Changed the faction names for Germany and Austria-Hungary
  • The tag of the Russian Republic is now RUS instead of SOV
  • Changed several opinion modifiers and added embargo opinion modifiers to countries that are not logical to be trading
  • Rebalanced Starting Compliance and Resistance Values
  • Changed the rules and modifiers for all the ideologies
  • The Welcome GUI has been updated. It has special pages for Lore and Credits
  • Removed the Coring State and Foreign Policy Decisions.


Version 13.11.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.10.1 - 1.10.2)

  • Hotfix making the mod fully compatible with the new 1.10.2 "Collie" patch.


Version 10.07.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.9.0 - 1.9.3)


  • Unique Focus Tree, Decisions and Events for Deutsch-Mittelafrika;
  • Reworked Focus Tree, Decisions and Events for Germany;
  • Custom Game Rules can now be used to determine which paths the AI will take, boost nations and more;


  • Updated several Strategic Regions in Europe;
  • Added back the Coring State Decisions;
  • Updated the flag for the German Empire;
  • Added new and reworked existing states in Africa;
  • Reworked Economic Branch and Event Chain for Austria-Hungary;
  • Several small states where removed (Berlin, Baku, Eastern Crete and Brussels);
  • The Illusive Gentleman Advisor is now available for all countries;
  • General localisation and UI improvements;


  • Reduced the cost to change your Economy Law and Trade Law from 150 Political Power to 100 Political Power;
  • Changed the starting Economy Law for the German Empire from Early Mobilisation to Civilian Economy;
  • Reduced all the modifiers of Declining Economy National Spirit by 50% and removed several modifiers;
  • Rebalanced all the modifiers of the Effects of the Vienna Stock Market Crash National Spirits;
  • Increased the amount of starting Civilian Factories for the German Empire to 50 (from 33), to compensate for the amount Consumer Good Factories they will get during the depression;
  • Increased the amount of starting Military Factories for the German Empire to 44 (from 30), to compensate for the reduced amount gained through their new National Focus Tree;
  • Both the House of Habsburg-Lothringen and House of Hohenzollern National Spirits now also award +25,0% Ideology drift defense;
  • Increased the Research Speed penalties for all Doctrines for the Victors of the Weltkrieg National Spirit for Bulgaria, Germany and Austria-Hungary to -65%(from -40%)
  • Increased the starting equipment on all starting units for Romania from 50% to 75%;
  • Changes to the Brest-Litovsk Payments:
    • They now only award a set reduced amount of Consumer Good Factories for the former Central Powers, but only the Political Power Cost increases each month for them;
    • The National Spirit for the Russian Republic now starts with an much higher amount of Consumer Good Factories, but decreases each month;
  • Several changes were made to the German starting units;
  • Reduced the cost of all Economic Reforms Decisions for Greece with 25 Political Power;
  • Increased stability for both Marxist Greece and Romania;


  • Greece, Italy and Romania no longer get access to the Communism on the Rise Decisions when going Communist;
  • Fixed several inaccurate borders in Europe;
  • The Start the Third Balkan War Decision for Romania can now only be taken once, like intended;
  • Fixed an issue where the portrait for Napoleon VI was not visible when the player does not have the La Résistance Expansion;


Version 16.04.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.9.0 - 1.9.2)


  • Removed the Stability reductions Austria-Hungary would gain through the various Riot events;
  • The End of the Depression Focus for Austria-Hungary now awards 10% base Stability;
  • The Build Up the Textile Industry Focus for Greece now awards two Civilian Factories and two Building Slots within Peloponnese instead of 1;


  • Fixed an issue where the Civil War in France was a Country Event instead of a News Event;
    Fixed an issue where the Improve Faith in the Sultan Decision does not remove/reduce the Fallen Empire National Spirit;
    Fixed an issue where the Vienna Stock Market Crash Event would trigger multiple times;


Version 17.03.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.9.0 - 1.9.1)


  • New portrait for Victor Emmanuel III;


  • Buffed the Focus on the Military Branch of the Romanian Tree;
  • Improved stability for the German Empire;
  • Increased the completion time of all the French industrial focuses;


  • Fixed an issue where the Respond to the Vienna Stock Market Crash Decision was visible after you've removed the effects;
  • Fixed an issue with the Greece surrender event for the Ottoman Empire
  • Fixed typos in the Invest in Steel Factories and Improve General Equality Focuses for Bulgaria and Germany;
  • Fixed the typo in the Crush the Arabian Revolts Focus;
  • Fixed missing Victory Points in the recently added states;
  • White Ruthenia now starts with units and templates;
  • Fixed an UI-issue where if you clicked on the background it would flash the screen;
  • If Transcaucasia wins the Russian Civil War, Joseph Stalin will now lose his Cornered Fox Trait.


Version 08.03.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.9.0 - 1.9.1)


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Played as Bulgaria capitulated twice. First time the ottomans got into Burgas which instantly lost me the war. Second time without a single troop entering my territory. Germany annexed me and the game ended. I would really like this to be fixed soon.


my game crashes in some point in july 1939, when im playing as the ottoman empire or any country, also soviet republic of transcaucasia switches to the normal soviet focus after 1939 something?


Update to the 17/2 version please
