Dedicated to one of my favorite mods…
Today marks the 70th year since the outbreak of the Republican Revolutions.
The Continental System established by Emperor Napoleon weathered the storm, battered but victorious. The malcontents of the world licked their wounds and bided their time. Radicals and Republicans, Jacobins and Nationalists, all watched for signs of weakness.
Today, the strength of the Continental System will be tested once again…. Or not? After all, the reason for creating this mod was that the original AMLD project has not been updated for current versions of the game for a long time, as well as a mod with a translation into Russian for it. I couldn’t stay away and decided to revive the project under my own sign.
In the future, it is planned to fix even more errors in the game log related to the original version of the game; add new countries and states for them; add all possible political and military advisers for all powers to choose; create new military focuses for countries that do not have them; improve and supplement the translation into Russian.