Mod «Equestria at War: The New German Order» for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.14.7)

Equestria at War: The New German Order

What is this Submod About?

This submod is a Alternate Scenario,
such as Escalation'84 or The New Mankind

April 30th, 1945

Hitler's Third Reich, which had just carved it's way across nearly all of Europe is on it's last legs. The Red Army is bearing down on Berlin with The Americans and British not far behind. Despite all his desperation to turn the tide, Hitler could finally see the writing on the wall; that the war is lost and Germany is on the chopping block once more. Down in the Fuhrer-Bunker he prepares his final act, but before he could put a gun to his head there was a blinding light. The next thing he knew was his generals informing him that Berlin, along with what's left of the Reich finds itself in a world that's incredibly different but similar to Earth. A world of magic and talking ponies, but a world filled with racial and political strife of a kind he knew all too well...


A lot of people experience crashes/corruption while playing this submod.
If your game suddenly crashes, try disabling the troop models in the game settings as some people's game seems to not handle them.
If your saves are corrupted, it is most likely a problem with the base game. The only known solution is to delete the paradox interactive folder and to completely reinstall the game.
We apologise in advance for any stability problems you might encounter while playing the game.


Equestria at War

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