Mod «United States Expanded [Mod Compatible]» for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.14.7)

United States Expanded [Mod Compatible]

The United States Expanded offers much more content to the USA such as a whole new focus tree, ideas, events, decisions, and more!

Mod Content
  • An expanded democratic tree with more emphasis on limited intervention
  • A NATO sub-branch that allow the United States to battle the Soviet Union for control of the world
  • Adds an expansion to the communist tree that allows the US to expand the revolution globally
  • Major rework to the fascist tree to be accurate to how fascism would look in 1930s America
  • Adds an entire monarchist tree to establish a Kingdom of America
  • Adds an Anarchist tree to the USA to bring true freedom to the world
  • Greatly expands the military tree for the United States
  • Adds an economic tree to deal with the Great Depression and Dust Bowl
  • Adds around 450 events
  • Adds 9 new releasable nations all of which have unique focus trees
  • Additional advisors and ideas

File info

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