Mod «EK Mods» for Barotrauma

EK Mods

In order to warm up for an upcoming patch cycle for another title, I've decided to take some time to fix issues for the now-deprecated EK mod series. With that in mind, I'm going to keep this short and to the point: Here's a version of the EK mods that (mostly) works as intended.

Credit obviously goes to Videogames for the original content and three years of support thereof.

  • All four EK mods in one package (Armory, Dockyard, Gunnery, and Utilities)
  • Fixes for almost all EK items. See Known Issues for exceptions.
  • All EK content has been rebalanced for Barotrauma 1.0. You can probably still get away with using EK to make something like ITA "fun", but the outright busted OP stuff has been reigned in.
  • Dozens of new recipes for handheld containers, clothing, armor, and other items - including recycling recipes for many items which previously lacked them.
  • All subs which previously used EK objects should function perfectly fine with this update. Note, however, that some objects may need to be placed again (sprinklers are the only problem object encountered so far).
  • This continues to make use of EK's artifact and tool overrides, and is thus not compatible with anything that overrides the same items.
  • It should be glaringly obvious that this is not compatible with any of the older EK mods.
  • Due to bug reports that appear to involve it, there may be compatiblity problems with LUA for Barotrauma or any similar mods.
Known Issues
  • The Grappling Hook is completely broken due to the new harpoon dragging function. It has been disabled as a result.
  • Due to issues with several crates, the GUI element for all material crates has been disabled. Deconstruct crates to retrieve their contents.
  • A handful of environmental objects (read: ROCKS)for the submarine editor were removed because their sprites no longer exist.

Q: Something not listed is broken!
A: First off, that's not a question. Second, there's an appropriate thread for reporting. Please make sure to provide exact reproduction steps where possible.

Q: I would like to contribute to this!
A: Refer to FAQ item #1.

Q: You screwed something up/ A patch broke something.
A: Refer to FAQ item #1. Also, my insomnia thanks you for the detailed report.

Moreover, there's a decent chance that the issue is a result of a workshop update bug. BEFORE you report some issue that arose after an update, kindly follow these steps:

Go to Steam/steamapps/common/Barotrauma/Mods and delete the EK Suite folder.
Unsubscribe from this mod and make sure that Steam/steamapps/workshop/602960/2954237072 does not exist. If it does, delete it.
If the issue persists, report it.

Q: Will you be adding new content?
A: At present, that is beyond the scope of this project, though the introduction of several contributors means that new content is not off the table completely.

Q: Will you make a version that's compatible with X, Y, or Z?
A: No, that is outside of the scope of this project.

Q: Can I use X in another mod?
A: This is already lifted from a deprecated mod, so knock yourself out.

Q: Would you make a list of every single change ever made?
A: To quote Moe Syzlak: "DEAR GOD, NO!"

To further abuse quotes so as to illustrate this point: "Hey, cut me some slack here, okay? Can you even begin to imagine 500 uninterrupted hours of consciousness? Forget mole people - about halfway through, I swear I saw the face of God!"

Q: Will you split these up into their respective mods?
A: No. I am not maintaining four mods where I can maintain one. 4 > 1 is basic math. Feel free to do it yourself, however.

Affliction strength of poison-based depth charges increased 50%.
Depth charge poison cloud effect duration increased from 13s to 20s.

Disabled torso hiding for mercenary and marine uniforms so that character necks are visible. Note that this may cause some sort of issue down the line.
Enabled targetslot check for Mk. II hardsuit variants. Issues with ammo degredation no longer an issue.



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