Mod «X37 Assault Carrier» for Barotrauma

X37 Assault Carrier

The X37 is an experimental light tactical carrier designed to project overwhelming firepower whilst remaining agile and discreet for a ship of its class. Though no match for capital class carriers, the X37's compact hangar enables it to deploy fighters with the same efficiency as its larger peers, all the while being operated by a minimal crew.

Exterior design is taken from the C2 Hercules from Star Citizen (I don't actually play the game, I just really like the ship design)

Minimum crew: 2 ship personnel and 4 shuttle pilots
Recommended crew: 4 ship personnel and 8 shuttle pilots
Maximum capacity: 16

Price: 30000
Tier 3

4x Combat Shuttles

- Main armament: chain gun
- Secondary armament: single shot rail gun

- Wireless charging within 200 metres of mother ship. NOT including transport shuttle.
- Remotely controllable

1x Logistics Shuttle (Kodiak shuttle from Mass Effect)

- Quick loading rear ramp
- Conventional charging
- Sizable cargo capacity

Combat Information Suite

- Forward scanning long range sonar with 400m range
- Combat shuttle live status displays and interior camera views
- Extensive exterior and interior camera network with dynamically toggled searchlights

Makeshift Bar!!

*not standard issue onboard Atlas vessels

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