Mod «DynamicEuropa» for Barotrauma



  • Outposts:
    Outposts will grow in size, specialize in certain services and have new events. This means that not every outpost will offer all services and you may need to visit certain outposts to find what you are looking for. For example, a clinic will not provide crew for hire, stores, or submarine improvements.
  • Biomes Revision:
    Redesigned all biomes to make navigation more challenging and interesting. The Infinite Abyss is back, so be careful when traversing the European Ledge and the Great Sea!
  • Nests and Huskies:
    Local fauna and zombies will spread to neighboring locations and destroy outposts. The military will try to contain them, but only your team can secure the location and make it livable again!
  • Huge Map:
    Dynamic Europa has REALLYBIGMAP built in. It nearly triples the size of the map. It is highly recommended to play without European Radiation!
  • Pirates:
    Thanks to Pirates Ahoy! The mod is built in and adds new items, pirate missions, ships and outposts!

More Outpost Modules:
Make more outpost modules so they don't seem repetitive.
More Events:
More outpost events to make them more lively and provide more gameplay.

Biomes Redesign:

  • All Biomes:
    The outposts you sail to will now always be well or slightly below your starting point, unless you are traveling to a destination that is higher than your current one. This should give you a greater sense of traveling further and further down.
  • Cold Caverns:
    - Basic: Increased level size, slightly more difficult main path, possible side paths, increased number of ice spires, added floating chunks of ice.
    - Advanced: Increased level size and slightly increased level height, more complex main path, many possible side paths, many more ice spires and floating ice blocks.
    - Transition: Same as advanced, but with a slight chance of getting more openings into the abyss.
    - Maze: Even more increased level size and height with lots of winding paths, a ton more ice spires and floating ice blocks.
  • European Ledge:
    - Basic: Slightly increased level size, more floating chunks of ice. Ice spires are still present, but in reduced numbers. Bigger dips into the endless abyss!
    - Advanced: Same as Basic, but slightly increased level size and more holes into the infinite abyss!
  • Dark Plateau:
    Slightly increased level size. Large mountains in the abyss that sometimes reach the top of the level creating a plateau and floating islands around the main path.
  • Great Sea:
    Slightly increased level size, large open space with no bottom, lots of floating chunks of ice, some ice spires, islands of piezocrystals and an endless abyss!
  • Hydrothermal Wastelands:
    Increased level size, more challenging main path, increased number of side paths and lava vents with increased hull damage scattered throughout the paths.
    The End
    Slightly increased level size and branching paths.

Frith's Biomes requires DynamicEuropa - Frith's Biomes Compatibility Patch

Requires a new campaign to start!
Cannot be added to an existing campaign!

File info

  • Added by: Den Martin
  • Author: _]|M|[_
  • Mod version: 30.07.23
  • File format: ZIP
  • File size: 71.0 mb
  • Source: Go to
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