Mod «Anschluss Overhaul» for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.2)

Anschluss Overhaul

Did it ever frustrate you that the Anschluss in the base game was just a quick event with almost no interaction possible, despite the historical importance and repercussions it had?

Well, that's no longer the case!

Anschluss Overhaul is a mod that allows you to react to the Anschluss in the same way as other events like the Rhineland or the Sudetenland.

It Includes a number of new events for Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Austria and some others, which can make you really aware of the impact that the Anschluss might have had if things had gone differently.

/!\ The main purpose of this mod is to allow different nations in Europe and beyond to react to the Anschluss and to make this event more realistic and interesting, please note that this is not intended to be a major rework of the German POV of the Anschluss.

  • Having problem with uploading the new version.

Version 10.09.22 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.11.13)

  • Selecting the Oppose Hitler focus as Germany was making you crash. It should be fixed now.


Version 27.08.22 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.11.13)


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